domingo, 17 de mayo de 2009

Interview a Friend

I am pleased to submit them to Andrea Marín..Now she is going to tell us what she think about engineering...

Name: Marín, Andrea
Date: May 16th, 2009


1.-Could you please define Engineering in your own words?

Engineering is the application of scientific and mathematical principles to practical resolve a problem as the design, manufacture, economical structures, machines and processes that safely realize a desired objective.

2.-What influenced you to pursue Electronics engineering, industrial engineering, computer science engineering or informatics engineering?

Actually, since I studied in high school I always liked science related with knowledge and research. That’s why I like to study matters related to the study of industrial processes which lead to a specific target and the resolution of certain scientific problems in areas related to the career (Industrial Engineering).

3.-Could you please describe the educational process required to become an Engineer?

In my opinion, by selecting a variety of science, mathematics, and engineering-related course work and participating in any kind of programs and projects that expose students to engineering concepts.

4.-What are the skills you need to be a good engineer?

Well I think one of the most important things that the student must have is the passion and interesting about science and technologic. Also, a good numerical skills, comprehension and analysis by resolving a problem posed hypotheses.

5.-What job considerations were you looking for after you completed your education?

Find a job where I can demonstrate my skills, experiences and lessons learned so far in college. Some of them will be: Operation manager; safety, health and environment manager, and others related with industrial engineering.

6.-What's something of your school life that you enjoy the most?

Until now, everything I’ve learned in these 5 trimesters in college not only academically but also personally and in my days of high school the friends that I made because I know they last forever.

7.-From your perspective, what is the most difficult part of being an engineering student?

Well i think that the most difficult part of being an engineerin student is when you start to see the important subjects of the career, because if you don´t get anything from that subjects you can´t be a good engineer.

8.-What are your plans for the future?

After I graduated I’m going to travel to Canada or Argentina to get a master’s degree in operation manager or plant manager.

9.-Point out your most personally gratifying moment in engineering school.

Until now, the friends that a made. Also, everything I have learned from subjects who had never heard like: thermodynamics, systems development, operations research, etc.

10.-Why would you recommend Engineering as a career?

Because nowadays everything is included in the technological sciences and the demand of global companies that there need engineers with any specialization, taking into an account the skills and experience of the person.

Thanks Andrea that was nice..thanks for your help ;)..

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